Precious Creation
While there are many appropriate themes with which the Torah could have begun (Abraham, Mt. Sinai, etc.), it begins instead with a day-by-day description of the creation of the world,…
Gevurah – Strength
The second week of Sefirat Ha’Omer, the counting of the days between Passover and Shavuot, is dedicated to the Sephirah of Gevurah - Strength. (For an explanation of the sephirot, please…
Bereshith 5770-2009
"The Hebrew Story of Creation and Its Parallels Among Other Civilizations" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald This week's parasha, parashat Bereishith, is the very first parasha of Genesis, the…
v’Zot Habracha-Simchat Torah 5770-2009
"The Confluence of v'Zot Habracha and the Holiday" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The festival of Simchat Torah, the rejoicing with the Law, is one of two major festivals during which we…
Vayeira 5769-2008
"'Shalom Bayit', Little White Lies" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In parashat Vayeira, Abraham receives the stunning news from the three "guests" whom he has welcomed into his home, that…
If Shabbat Is Saturday, Why Does It Begin On Friday Night?
There Was Evening, And There Was Morning... When following the Gregorian (secular) calendar, it is natural to think of the days of the week as Sunday, Monday....Friday, Saturday, each day…
Bereshith 5769-2008
"The Development of Civilization as Recorded in Genesis" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald The Torah is not intended to serve as a history lesson or as a chronicle of the development of ancient…
Twebrew School Lessons,Uncategorized
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Mikeitz,Chanukah,Weekly Message
Mikeitz-Chanukah 5768-2007
"Unexpected Parallels between Mikeitz and the Story of Chanukah" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald This week's parasha, parashat Mikeitz, is almost always read on Shabbat Chanukah. Could there be…
Bereshith 5768-2007
"Starting All Over--Again!" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald The holidays are over. In ancient times, the farmers would by now have returned to their fields. Contemporary business people have…