Study the Works and Torah of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
In honor of the yahrzeit of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, “the Rav,” study one of his many articles, books, or even listen to a recording of one of his classes.
Attend Synagogue to hear the Special Torah Reading
Since the Torah can only be read in the presence of a minyan (quorum), make sure to go to synagogue in order to hear this special Torah reading.
Study the Torah’s Laws whether in Practice or Not
There is great value in studying the parts of the Torah that are not currently practiced, since studying Torah ultimately enables us to appreciate its Divine Author.
Study the Torah Closely
There are unlimited ways to understand and read the Torah. The mystics have described 70 paths to interpret the Torah. Perhaps you will discover one of those tracks!
The Torah’s Special Genetic Code
During Biblical times, our ancestors did not understand genetics, DNA codes, chromosomes and the transmission of physical attributes, as we understand them today. While the sages do note…
Study Torah for Guidance in Today’s World
We would be wise to study Biblical stories and marvel at their relevance, even today.
Learn about Torah Sages
Those recognized as religious leaders of the Jewish people are presumed to possess superior Torah knowledge and live a life of righteousness and piety. Learn about these great leaders…
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Tonight starts the holiday of Shemini Atzeret, literally the Gathering of the Eighth, a connected, yet independent holiday, that immediately follows Sukkot.During the seven days of…
The Torah is Proud!
Some have pointed out that Simchat Torah, can translate in Hebrew as “the Torah’s joy.” After celebrating Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Hoshana Rabba with fealty, awe and joy, the…