Israel’s Beloved Ofra

If one mentions the name Ofra Haza to Israelis of a certain age, you will likely see a smile followed by a look of sadness. Ofra was the darling of Israel, with a voice from the heavens,…

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Writers in a Terrible Place

“The Day of the Imprisoned Writer” (November 15th) was established by PEN International to recognize and provide support for writers who use their skills to fight political repression.…

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Kindness Without Fanfare

There is a fascinating story in the Talmud that demonstrates the importance of being conscientious when doing something for another person: Mar Ukba had a poor man in his neighborhood…

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Vayeitzei 5782-2021

“From Ish Tam to Business Mogul: The Transformation of Jacob” (updated and revised from Vayeitzei 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald As this week’s parasha, parashat Vayeitzei,…

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Toledot 5782-2021

“The Deception of Isaac” (updated and revised from Toledot 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Toledot, we encounter the well-known, and rather…

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Chayei Sarah 5782-2021

“Raising Jewish Children in a Challenging Environment” (updated and revised from Chayei Sarah 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Chayei Sarah, opens…

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Giving Tuesday- November 28, 2023

Support NJOP on Giving TuesdayNovember 28, 2023  is Giving Tuesday - A global day of giving! DonateYour contributions are…

A Man of Courage Honored

In 2001, it was recognized that in the course of American history, numerous heroes had been denied consideration for the United States Medal of Honor for extreme valor in battle, due to…

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Lech Lecha 5782-2021

“Understanding Ishmael” (updated and revised from 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald   In this week’s parasha, parashat Lech Lecha, we encounter the birth of Abram’s (his name…

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Noah 5782-2021

“The ‘Myth’ of the Great Flood” (updated and revised from Noah 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Parashat Noah, the story of the flood, is a truly-intriguing Torah portion. Secular…

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