Seven Days to the Sea
The Passover celebration lasts seven days in Israel and eight days, outside of Israel. (For more information as to why, please click here). The first day (and second, outside of Israel)…
What’s With The Salt
At every Shabbat meal, the blessing of Ha’mo’tzee (the blessing over bread) is recited over two complete loaves of bread. This "bread" is usually the braided loaves known as challah, but…
Vayakhel-Pekudei 5783-2023
“Celebrating the Month of Nissan” (updated and revised from Vayakhel-Pekudei 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This coming Shabbat, the final Shabbat of the Hebrew month of…
Who Was Mordechai?
There are some people in this world who always seem to be right in the thick of the action. As described in the Book of Esther, this was Mordechai. It is Mordechai’s cousin, Esther, who…
The Most Popular Non-Holiday Event on Jewish Calendars
In honor of tonight's celebration of the 27th annual SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND CANADA, Jewish Treats proudly presents a history of this iconic Jewish event. SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND…
The Purim Story in Under 300 Words
At the end of a 180-day feast, the King of Persia-Media, Achashverosh, banished (some say, executed) his wife, Vashti, for refusing to appear at his banquet. He then staged an elaborate…
What Wood?
A large portion of the Book of Exodus describes the lengthy instructions for the building of the Mishkan (the portable Tabernacle) and its actual construction. Among the many fascinating…
The Founder of the House of Rothschild
The name Rothschild echoes with a sense of wealth and fame. The House of Rothschild was one of the most powerful financial forces in 19th century Europe, and several members of the family…
Set an Example
Lead by example by emulating Moses, the greatest of all leaders, who the Torah records was exceedingly humble, more than any other man on the face of the earth.
Presidents’ Day: The Jews and Martin Van Buren
In 1840, the news of the terrible fate of the Jewish community of Damascus (Syria) reached the shores of America and brought the disparate Jewish communities of the young American nation…