Kosher Resources
An archive of NJOP’s Kosher resources.
Applesauce Kugel
Kosher,High Holiday Recipe,Recipes
TraditionalApplesauce Kugel Ingredients: 1 lb noodles (wide is better) 4 eggs (beaten) 2 Tbsp…
Carrot and Sweet Potato Tzimmes
Kosher,High Holiday Recipe,Recipes
TraditionalCarrot and Sweet Potato Tzimmes Ingredients: 1 bunch carrots, peeled and cut into 1″…
Chremslach (Latkes) Traditional
Kosher,Passover Recipe,Passover,Recipes
TraditionalChremslach (Latkes)Yield 10 to 12 Servings Ingredients: 6 to 8 Cooked Potatoes,…
Classic Cheesecake
TraditionalClassic CheesecakeServes 14-16 Recipe submitted by Jane M. of Challah Connection. The…
Cottage Cheese Pancakes
TraditionalCottage Cheese PancakesMakes 16 2" pancakes Submitted by: bgoldberg Reprinted with the…
Dietetic Carrot Cake from Beryl Levenson
High Holiday Recipe,Recipes,Kosher
DieteticCarrot Cake Although Rosh Hashanah is a time for eating sweet foods (in the hope of having…
Gourmet Shabbat
Shabbat Resources,Kosher,Recipes,Kosher Resources
Gourmet Shabbat This compilation of delicious recipes are all you’ll need for an incredible…
Hamantashen Recipe
Kosher,Recipes,Purim,Purim Resources
TraditionalHamantashen Recipe From the kitchen of Roz Krieger z’l Ingredients: 3 Eggs ½ Cup…
How To Keep Kosher
Judaism,Judaism Resources,Resources,Kosher,Kosher Resources,Summer Feature,Articles
How To Keep Kosher Table of Contents Introduction How to Kasher An Oven How to Cook in a Kosher…
Kosher,High Holiday Recipe,Yom Kippur,Recipes
KreplachReprinted with permission from “Jewish Art Calendar”. Published by A cable to…
Latkes – Potato Pancakes
TraditionalLatkes - Potato Pancakes(Makes 16 3" latkes) Submitted by: bgoldberg Reprinted with the…
Maine Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake
MaineLemon Blueberry Cheesecake Recipe from @Shachar21970 Shachar G. from Whiting, ME Crust 3…
Marble Pumpkin Cheesecake
Marble Pumpkin Cheesecake Marble Pumpkin Cheesecake from Lucy K. Crust 1 ½ cups graham crackers,…
Matzo Brei
Kosher,Passover Recipe,Passover,Recipes
TraditionalMatzo Brei (pareve) Ingredients: 4 matzot warm water 1 onion 4 eggs salt and pepper…
Passover Apple Cake
Kosher,Passover Recipe,Passover,Recipes
TraditionalPassover Apple Cake (Pareve) Ingredients: 3/4 c. of cake meal 3/4 c. of potato starch…
Passover Crepes with Mushroom Sauce
Kosher,Passover Recipe,Passover,Recipes
TraditionalPassover Crepes With Mushroom Sauce (pareve) Recipe submitted by Rachel Goldberg.…
Passover Sponge Cake
Kosher,Passover Recipe,Passover,Recipes
TraditionalPassover Sponge Cake (pareve) Recipe submitted by Shirley Sobel. Ingredients: 9 large…
Passover Squash Kugel
Kosher,Passover Recipe,Passover,Recipes
TraditionalPassover Squash Kugel (Pareve) Recipe submitted by Debby Goldman. Ingredients: 1½…
Shavuot Cheesecake Recipes
Shavuot Resources,Shavuot Essentials,Shavuot,Recipes
Shavuot Cheesecake Recipes
Sufganiot – Doughnuts
TraditionalSufganiot - Doughnuts Submitted by: bgoldberg Reprinted with the permission of…
Tammy Reid’s Sweet Challah
High Holiday Recipe,Recipes,Kosher
TraditionalSweet Challah Recipe submitted by Tammy Reid Ingredients: 6 cups flour 3 eggs 3 Tbsp…
The Case For Keeping Kosher
Reading,Resources,Kosher,Judaism Resources,Articles,Kosher Resources
The Case For Keeping KosherKashruth – An Interpretation for the 21st Century by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The recent growth in the observance of kashruth…