Jewish Treats
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Making New Friends
Go to synagogue and stick around after services to shmooze
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The Flag Of Israel
The Israeli flag was specifically designed with stripes to recall the image…
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Make an Offer
When the person in the line behind you only has one item, offer to let them…
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Torah, To What Can I Compare Thee?
Various biblical verses and rabbinic texts compare the Torah to different…
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Hey Teacher
Call up an old teacher (or someone else who influenced you in your youth),…
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The Final Analysis
After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must…
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A Private Tally
Write a list of all the "good deeds" you did today (even lending your…
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Music – This is not your father’s Hava Nagila
Popular Jewish music has become an increasingly diverse market over the…
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Whistle While You Work
Hum a happy song on your way home from the office and set the "tune" for…
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It’s About Just “Being”
The holiness of Shabbat emanates from humankind acknowledging its…
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A Little Something Extra
Pick up a bouquet of flowers on your way home to adorn tonight's dinner…
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Forty Years and Forgiveness
Why did the Jews wander in the desert for forty years? Because Moses…
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The Little Things
Be grateful for the little things. Thank G-d when you find an easy parking…
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To Jew and Jew and Jew
Judaism is both a religion and a nationality. The Talmud teaches us…
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Spread the Feeling!
Pay a compliment to the next five people that you see.
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Fiddler on the Roof made the Jewish drinking slogan “L’Chaim” - To Life! -…
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Entertainment Tonight
Call a nursing home and tell them you'd like to provide entertainment for…
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Origin of the “Jew”ish Species
If the nation that was redeemed from Egyptian bondage and experienced…
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The Torah prohibits "work" on Shabbat, but what does that mean? After all,…
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Meet Rashi, Most Innovative of Teachers
His real name was Shlomo (Solomon), and his father’s name was Itzhak…
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Significance of the Mezuzah
Much of the inner meaning of the mezuzah is rooted in kabbalistic concepts…
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The Inquisitive Mind
There’s an old joke that a Jew always answers a question with a question.…
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