The Center of Worship
When the Jews wandered in the wilderness, sacrificial services were performed by the kohanim (priests) in the Mishkan (Tabernacle). After King David conquered Jerusalem, his son and…
Can There Be Too Much Joy?
The Talmud (Mo’ed Katan 8b) rules that we may not get married during the intermediate days of a festival. The Talmud offers two reasons for the prohibition. First, because we do not mix…
Joy to the Bride and Groom
Have you ever been to a traditional Jewish wedding? At traditional weddings there are, of course, the normal, wonderful things that may be found at all weddings: the beautiful bride and…
Joy to the Bride and Groom
Have you ever been to a traditional Jewish wedding? At traditional weddings there are, of course, the normal, wonderful things that may be found at all weddings: the beautiful bride and…
Joy to the Bride and Groom
Have you ever been to a traditional Jewish wedding? At traditional weddings there are, of course, the normal, wonderful things that may be found at all weddings: the beautiful bride and…
Lessening Our Joy
According to the Mishna in Tractate Ta'anit 26b, when the month of Av begins, we curtail our joy.
Infuse your Shabbat celebration with the joy of today's Rosh Chodesh Adar.