The Center of Worship
When the Jews wandered in the wilderness, sacrificial services were performed by the kohanim (priests) in the Mishkan (Tabernacle). After King David conquered Jerusalem, his son and…
My Place
Establish a place in your home where you are able to concentrate while saying prayers.
Place to Serve
It's one week until Rosh Hashana, if you still need a place to attend Rosh Hashana services, please contact NJOP for assistance.
Establish Your Place
Whether in synagogue or at home, establish a place where you will be able to focus on your prayers and hopefully not distract anyone else.
Prominent Place
Place your Jewish books in a central bookcase so it will be clear how much they are cherished.
A Prominent Place
Place your Jewish books in a central bookcase so it will be clear how much they are cherished.
Customs of Place
Jewish life is defined by halacha (Jewish law) and colored by minhag (Jewish custom). While Jewish prayer may have the same form and structure around the globe, the way in which it is…
Make a Place
If you have the space, build a sukkah and celebrate this joy-filled holiday at home.