“Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue”
The directive to create a judicial system is set out in Deuteronomy 16:18-20. God commands the Israelites to appoint judges and law enforcement officials in all their cities and towns.…
“Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue”
The directive to create a judicial system is set out in Deuteronomy 16:18-20. God commands the Israelites to appoint judges and law enforcement officials in all their cities and towns.…
Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue
The directive to create a judicial system is set out in this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, in Deuteronomy 16:18-20. God commands the Israelites to appoint judges and law enforcement…
Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue
The directive to create a judicial system is set out in this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, in Deuteronomy 16:18-20. God commands the Israelites to appoint judges and law enforcement…
Shabbat Social
This Shabbat, surround yourself with people with whom you enjoy celebrating the holy day.
Shoftim 5771-2011
"Jewish Justice & Jewish Leadership" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Shoftim, opens with a command to the people of Israel to establish courts of justice in…
Appointing Justice
According to Jewish tradition, God created the world employing the attributes of both rachamim (mercy) and din (justice). Since God is constantly renewing the act of creation, it is with…
World Sauntering Day
In Jewish life there is great admiration for a character trait known as z'reezut, which is often translated as zealousness. The word z'reezut actually comes from the root…
World Sauntering Day
In Jewish life there is a great appreciation for a character trait known as z’reezut, which is often translated as zealousness. The word z’reezut actually comes from the root…
World Sauntering Day
In Jewish life there is great admiration for a character trait known as z’reezut, which is often translated as zealousness. The word z’reezut actually comes from the root…