Work of Love
“Shemayah said: Love work; scorn public office [positions of prominence] and seek not undue intimacy with the authorities” (Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers 1:10). When conjuring up…
An Encyclopedic Work
When Rabbi Yaakov Culi arrived in Constantinople, Turkey, in 1714, he did not expect to find a Jewish community lacking Jewish knowledge. While the city was home to some of the great…
Women Who Work
In 1993, Gloria Steinem and the Ms. Foundation for Women initiated the “Take Our Daughters To Work” program (in 2003, it became “Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work”) with the intention…
In Thanks For Your Work
As history moves from the age of the Industrial Revolution into the age of technology, the western world has become a service based society. Yet as much as we depend upon the services we…
Support the Critical Work of NJOP
NJOP, is the organization that sponsors Jewish Treats, sponsors SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND CANADA, READ HEBREW AMERICA AND CANADA, Beginners Services, the Crash Course in Basic Judaism…
Work on Interpersonal Relationships
While it is always worthwhile to work on, and try to improve, our relationships, we are in a calendrical period where introspection is particularly relevant and valuable.
The Hard Work
For the next week, work hard at improving your imperfections (control your anger, avoid wasting time, etc.).
Work Ahead
Get involved in Jewish community organizations to strengthen the Jewish community for the future.
Community Work
Take the initiative of becoming involved in community organizations.