The Words Are The Things
In Hebrew, the Book of Deuteronomy is known as Sefer Devarim. Its name is derived from the fact that the Hebrew word devarim is the first noun that appears in the book, which begins with…
The Words Are The Things
In Hebrew, the Book of Deuteronomy is known as Sefer D’varim. Its name is derived from the fact that the Hebrew word d’varim is the first noun that appears in the book,…
The Words Are The Things
In Hebrew, the Book of Deuteronomy is known as Sefer D’varim. Its name is derived from the fact that the Hebrew word d’varim is the first noun that appears in the book, which begins with…
Connecting Words
According to the internet’s fun holiday websites, January 18th is Thesaurus Day. The date is in honor of the creator of the first modern thesaurus, [Peter Mark] Roget’s Thesaurus. A…
Watch Your Words
The Mishna Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) is filled with wise advice and insightful statements. Among those of the first chapter is a fascinating instruction given by Avtalion, a…
Our Words Matter
Our words really matter, especially when it comes to controversial topics that tend to inflame. Before speaking, consider the possible ramifications and impact of your words upon those…
Words have Impact
Be aware of the words you choose to avoid transgressing the prohibition of slandering others. Words have a huge impact, and if we’re not careful, our hurtful words can lead to serious…
Careful Words
The words one uses have great power, so be careful what words you choose.