Pray for the Welfare of the Head of State
Jewish tradition teaches that one ought to pray for the welfare of the head of their state, whether that individual is a king or queen, Prime Minister or president.
Fight Against the Humiliation of Others
Causing humiliation to others can be worse than inflicting bodily harm. Make sure to stand up for anyone who is being degraded or abused, physically or mentally.
Helping Others
How well do you know your neighbors? One of the most common comments about society today is how much more isolated people are from one another than they were in the days of a more…
Help Others Prepare for Passover
Donate to a Ma’ot Chittim campaign, to assure that those who may not be able to afford celebrating the festive Passover holiday, will have the ability to feel and re-experience the…
Help Others Prepare for Passover
Donate to a Ma’ot Chittim campaign, to assure that those who may not be able to afford celebrating the festive Passover holiday, will have the ability to feel and re-experience the…
Prayers for Others
Never hesitate to add a friend and his/her need to your prayers.
For The Safety of Others
If you are a home owner, make certain to clear debris or fill in any ditches.
Positive Impact on Others
Recognize that in 1849 eight of the forty seven members of the Colonial Assembly of Jamaica were Jewish which probably was one of the reasons that the Assembly voted to adjourn for Yom…