At A Wedding
If you attend a wedding, focus on what will make the bride and groom happy.
Family Wedding Planning
If you are currently planning a wedding, research the minhagim (customs) of your family.
Celebrating the Groom
A great deal of the wedding seems to focus on the bride. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear of a wedding referred to as “her day.” In Jewish tradition, however, there is one…
Seven Blessings-Sheva Brachoht
A couple just starting their lives together inspires joy and hope, and everyone wants to wish them success. These blessings of good will are so important to a new couple that the Jewish…
Bechukotai,Weekly Message,Behar
Behar-Bechukotai 5762-2002
"The Extraordinary Mitzvah of Tzedaka, Charity" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald Once again, this week, we read two combined parashiot Behar-Bechukotai. In the first of this coming week's…
Bechukotai,Behar,Weekly Message
Behar-Bechukotai 5781-2021
“The Extraordinary Mitzvah of Tzedakah--Charity” (updated and revised from Behar-Bechukotai 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Once again, this week, we read two combined parashiot…
Mishpatim 5784-2024
Urgent message: Given the most challenging situation in Israel at this time, I urge all to pray for the bereaved families, the hostages, the missing and the many casualties. Please try to…
The Trouble with Double
For some sisters who are particularly close, the idea of a double wedding may seem a romantic dream. Indeed, parents of such brides might contemplate such a wedding as an excellent means…
The “Big Day”
Popular culture refers to one’s wedding as “The Big Day,” and it is, indeed, the beginning of an entirely new stage in one’s life. According to Jewish tradition, “there are three people…
The Trouble with Double
For some sisters who are particularly close, the idea of a double wedding may seem a romantic dream. Indeed, parents of such brides might contemplate such a wedding as an excellent means…