How Many Tribes?
The challenge to name the number of tribes of Israel would fall into the category of “easy” by trivia fans. However, the term “The Twelve Tribes of Israel” can be enumerated in…
How Many Tribes?
The challenge to name the number of tribes of Israel would fall into the category of “easy” by trivia fans. However, the term “The Twelve Tribes of Israel” can be enumerated in…
Equal Tribes
Each of the twelve tribes of Israel descended from one of Jacob’s twelve sons, and each had distinct qualities for which they were renowned. The tribe of Issachar, for instance, was known…
Know Your Tribes
Read this week’s Torah portion of Vayeitzei on Shabbat and delve into the story of the birth of several of the Tribes of Israel.
The Flags of the Tribes
On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress resolved that: “the flag of the 13 United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white: That the union be thirteen stars, white…
Video Resources,Judaism,Israel
Israel On Or Minds, Our Minds On Israel Lecture Series
Lecture SeriesIsrael On Our Minds, Our Minds On Israel Israel is on everyone’s mind. You cannot escape it. It’s on…
Holiday Resources,Holidays,JudaismLiteracy,Judaism
Israel Memorial Day & Israel Independence Day
Yom Ha'atzmautIsrael Independance Day As the State of Israel marks its birthday on the 5th of Iyar, the world…
Holidays,Judaism Resources,Holiday Resources
The Creation of the State of Israel
The Creation ofThe State of Israel Table of Contents THE JEWISH PRESENCE IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL ISRAEL BEFORE THE……
Holiday Resources,Articles,Holidays,Judaism ResourcesUncategorized
History of the State Since 1948
History of the StateSince 1948 Table of Contents the war of independence population shifts 1956- the sinai campaign 1967 –…