Judge Fairly
The Sixth Amendment in the United States’ Bill of Rights (requiring a speedy trial, impartial jury, confrontation of witnesses, council, etc) is, perhaps, one of the most difficult to…
Judge Fairly
The Sixth Amendment in the United States’ Bill of Rights (requiring a speedy trial, impartial jury, confrontation of witnesses, council, etc) is, perhaps, one of the most difficult to…
How To Judge
Judge the actions of others, be they bad drivers or inconsiderate co-workers, favorably ... as you would want another person to judge you.
Judge In Your Own Realm
Remember the concepts of equitable justice when being a judge in your personal life situations.
Judge Fairly
Judge others fairly and always give them the benefit of the doubt.
Judge Not
Do not judge others on their appearances. Give them a chance to speak for themselves.
Never Judge a Human Book by Its Cover
Genetic traits such as hair color do not determine how individuals behave. Be careful not to stereotype or even make assumptions about people based on their external features.
Judge by Actions
When evaluating or judging others, genetic and physical attributes pale in comparison to one’s character and virtuous actions.
Judge Favorably
One of the most important Jewish attributes is to try to find favor in one’s fellow’s actions, even when they may not seem so positive on the surface.
Judge Yourself
When in a dispute with another person, try to see the argument from all sides.