How Many Tribes?
The challenge to name the number of tribes of Israel would fall into the category of “easy” by trivia fans. However, the term “The Twelve Tribes of Israel” can be enumerated in…
How Many Tribes?
The challenge to name the number of tribes of Israel would fall into the category of “easy” by trivia fans. However, the term “The Twelve Tribes of Israel” can be enumerated in…
Equal Tribes
Each of the twelve tribes of Israel descended from one of Jacob’s twelve sons, and each had distinct qualities for which they were renowned. The tribe of Issachar, for instance, was known…
The Language of Unity
The penultimate chapter of the Book of Leviticus begins with a description of the myriad benefits of following in the path of the Torah. Some of the promises include: rains in their…
Know Your Tribes
Read this week’s Torah portion of Vayeitzei on Shabbat and delve into the story of the birth of several of the Tribes of Israel.
The Flags of the Tribes
On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress resolved that: “the flag of the 13 United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white: That the union be thirteen stars, white…
Seek Jewish Unity
Think of daily opportunities that manifest the idea that all of Israel are one.
Kindness for Unity
Today is the One Jewish People Project, mark it by doing an act of kindness.
Shabbat, The Heart of Unity
Shabbat is one of the Ten Commandments, and is one of the most frequently referred-to mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah. Shabbat is regarded as the “heart” of Jewish life. It sets a…