Slavery In The Modern World
Say the word slave and the immediate image that comes to mind is a man or woman bound in shackles, possibly cowering under a whip. Modern day slavery is often far more subtle--the chains…
Passover,Passover Resources,Wisdom,Articles,JudaismLiteracy,Wisdom,Judaism,Passover
The Story of the Exodus
The Story of the Exodus Table of Contents Going Down to Egypt Slavery Redemption From Slavery What exactly were the ten…
Assisting a Runaway
Once upon a time, slavery was an almost universally accepted economic system. Whatever our values and opinions about slavery may be today, slaves were a fact of life in the not nearly so…
Literacy,Rabbi Buchwald,Articles,Passover ResourcesLiteracy,Judaism,Passover
Passover Writings
Passover Writings Order in Ten Plagues by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald Demystifying…Bedikat Chametz (The Search for Chametz)…
Va’eira 5774-2013
“Moses, the Reluctant Prophet” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Tradition maintains that the 53 Hebrew prophets and prophetesses were generally a reluctant group of Divine servants, who were…
Passover 5773-2013
“Remembering the Exodus From Egypt” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Because next Monday night, March 25th, is the first night of Passover, this week’s message will focus on the festival of…
“No More Pharaohs and No More Slaves”
By the mid-1800s, Jews were settled throughout the United States, and many had absorbed the local culture in which they were living. Among the Jews of the south, there were, therefore,…
Va’eira 5781-2021
“Mesmerized by the Subtle Slavery” (updated and revised from Va’eira 5761-2001) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Va’eira, G-d assures Moses that the Jewish…