Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?
The term “ghetto” has a sad connotation in Jewish history and a very negative association when referring to certain poor urban areas. The term’s etymology, however, originates from a…
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?
The term “ghetto” has a sad connotation in Jewish history and a very negative association when referring to certain poor urban areas. The term’s etymology, however, originates from a…
Good Morning Sunshine
Say “good evening” or “good morning” to the doorman, crossing guard, mailman, etc....all of the people who make your life easier but whom we sometimes overlook.
It’s All Good
One ancient and ongoing philosophical question is: If God is perfect, and God created the world, can anything that God created be inherently bad? We all know that there is evil in the…
Good Day To You
Blessings can come from anyone. Don't hesitate to give other people a blessing, even a simple one such as "Have a good day."
Good Neighbors
While Nittai the Arbelite warns to keep far from an evil neighbor, it is good to enhance peace in the world by being friendly with your neighbors.
Your Good Life
Take an honest assessment of the good things you have, and appreciate your life.
Your Good Life
Take an honest assessment of the good thing you have and appreciate your life.