A Gift For Life
Did you know that Jewish law frowns upon elective surgery? After all, as any doctor will tell you (or all those release forms will make you realize), there is no surgery that is totally…
A Gift For Life
Did you know that Jewish law frowns upon elective surgery? After all, as any doctor will tell you (or all those release forms will make you realize), there is no surgery that is totally…
A Gift For Life
Did you know that Jewish law frowns upon elective surgery? After all, as any doctor will tell you (or all those release forms will make you realize), there is no surgery that is totally…
End of Year Gift Exchange
There is a great deal of gift-giving going on at this time of year. Beyond friends and family, many feel obligated to give end of the year gifts to local specialists (such as one’s hair…
The Gift that Keeps on Giving, Weekly
Beginning tomorrow afternoon at sundown, give yourself the gift of Shabbat and you’ll wonder why you waited so long to open the gift that has been there all along. To appreciate the…
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Register to participate in SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND CANADA at Home to receive great Shabbat resources that will enable you to join the celebration. Shabbat, the extraordinary gift that…
Gift Giving
Prepare a Mishloach Manot (Gift Basket) for someone with whom you have been at odds.