Study Laws Pertaining to the Messianic Era
One of the principles of Judaism is to believe in the coming of a Messiah, a new Jewish king. Studying laws pertaining to that era fulfils this principle.
The Cave of the Patriarchs
The city of Hebron and its Meh’arat Ha’machpelah, the Cave of the Patriarchs, has been part of Jewish history for over 3,000 years. Plan to visit Hebron on your next trip to Israel and…
The Cave of the Patriarchs
The city of Hebron and its Meh’arat Ha’machpelah, the Cave of the Patriarchs, has been a part of Jewish history for over 3,000 years. Plan to visit Hebron on your next trip to Israel and…
Know Your Matriarchs
Study this week’s Torah portion of Vayeitzei to appreciate the relationship of the Matriarchs/Sisters, Rachel and Leah. While the biblical narrative surrounding the Matriarchs, Leah and…
Know Your Matriarchs
Study the Torah and its commentaries to appreciate the special qualities that the Matriarchs possessed. A closer look at the life of our Matriarch Sarah, details a difficult life, one…
Lech Lecha 5778-2017
“The Beautiful, Barren Matriarchs” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Lech Lecha, G-d commands Abram and Sarai (their names had not yet been changed), to give…
Hebrew,Chanukah,Chanukah Feature
Pre and Post-Chanukah Classes and Workshops on Zoom
Pre-Chanukah Classes and Workshops on ZoomJoin NJOP for these exciting Chanukah prep classes on Zoom! Forward to a friend
To Jew and Jew and Jew
Judaism is both a religion and a nationality. The Talmud teaches us (Shavuot 39a) “Kol Yisrael areivim zeh bazeh,” that all Jews are responsible (literally “guarantors”) for one another.…
Wish both Jews and Non-Jews a Happy and Successful Jewish New Year
On Rosh Hashana we celebrate the creation of the first human being. While only Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana, it is an important anniversary for all humankind.
Literacy,Weekly Message,Judaism,All Audience,Chayei Sarah
Chayei Sarah 5780-2019
“Rebecca and Isaac’s First Encounter: a Revealing Insight into the Future” (updated and revised from Chayei Sarah 5760-1999) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha,…