A Multi-Generational Covenant
During the bleak times of the Holocaust, a woman inmate, like all others, stared into the sky of Auschwitz, praying to God to end the darkness. Like millions of others, she never…
Covenant with Humanity
While God has made covenants with the Jewish people, He also has expectations for all human beings. As such, God is linked to all members of the human race and is the God of all of…
For Peace
Always do what you can to promote a peaceful relationship between a husband and wife. Aaron, Moses’ brother, was known as someone who sought to make peace wherever possible. In the first…
Peace Unto You
Today is World Peace Day, do something in your community to promote peace among people.
Peace Man
"Hillel (the sage) said: Be of the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving your fellow creatures and bringing them close to the Torah" (Ethics of the Fathers 1:12).
Operation Peace for Galilee/ the (First) Lebanon War
In 1981, frequent katyusha rockets launched into Israel by Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorists located on Lebanon’s southern border, made life unsustainable for Israelis…
The Yearning For Peace
Seventy one years after the signing of the final Armistice Agreement following Israel's War of Independence, Jews the world over pray for future peace agreements between Israel and its…
Make Efforts for Peace
There are few greater goals in life than peace. Make the efforts to end hatred and promote harmony.
Peace Man
Go out of your way to foster peace among your colleagues and co-workers.
Peace Process
Today is the first day of the "Nine Days" (leading up to Tisha b'Av), when extra mourning measures are taken. During this time, be like Aaron and try to help quarreling friends make…