Opening England
Menashe ben Israel (Manoel Dias Soeiro, 1604 -1657), whose family fled Portugal after the Lisbon auto-de-fe of 1603, was raised in Amsterdam where he received a full Jewish education and…
Learn About the Contributions of the Hassidic Movement
The Hassidic movement enhanced much of the spirit and soul of Judaism. Learn about their insights into life and Scriptures.
Campaigning From The Periphery Or The Center?
There’s an adage in American politics, that candidates win their party’s primary by positioning themselves to the extreme, and win national elections by moving to the center. Should a…
The Center of Worship
When the Jews wandered in the wilderness, sacrificial services were performed by the kohanim (priests) in the Mishkan (Tabernacle). After King David conquered Jerusalem, his son and…
New York, New York
If you have the opportunity to visit New York (or if you live there and like to play the tourist), take a tour of the historic Jewish sites.
New Year, New Understanding
Know someone who is looking for a new Rosh Hashana experience? Maybe one of these Beginner Services is just what they need: Beginner Service Locations
New Season, New Month
The Talmudic term for the summer solstice is Tekuphat Tammuz, and at sunset tonight the first day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz begins. Celebrate Rosh Chodesh with a special meal or…
Fleeing in the New World
The history of the conversos, those Spanish and Portuguese Jews who hid their identities by publicly behaving as observant Catholics, is tragic not only for the horrible auto-de-fes (mass…
Fleeing In The New World
The history of the conversos, those Spanish and Portuguese Jews who hid their identities by publicly behaving as observant Catholics, is tragic not only for the horrible auto-de-fes (mass…
Fleeing in the New World
The history of the conversos, those Spanish and Portuguese Jews who hid their identities by publicly behaving as observant Catholics, is tragic not only for the horrible auto-de-fes (mass…