Hebrew Brush up on your Hebrew reading skills, learn to read and write Hebrew or simply establish a connection with Jewish…
Hebrew Feature,Literacy Resources,Hebrew Resources,Literacy,Hebrew
Run a Hebrew Reading Class FAQs
Hebrew Reading and Writing CoursesHow to Run A Hebrew Class FAQsWhile NJOP welcomes you to run our free Hebrew classes at any…
Read Hebrew America Classes on Zoom
Read Hebrew America Classes on ZoomJoin NJOP for three great Hebrew classes on Zoom! Forward to a friend
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the Father of Modern Hebrew
The official language of Israel is Hebrew, but until the end of the 19th century almost no one spoke Hebrew colloquially. Lashon Hakodesh, the holy tongue, was used only for prayer…
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the Father of Modern Hebrew
The official language of Israel is Hebrew, but until the end of the 19th century almost no one spoke Hebrew colloquially. Lashon Hakodesh, the holy tongue, was used only for prayer and…
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the Father of Modern Hebrew
The official language of Israel is Hebrew, but until the end of the 19th century, almost no one spoke Hebrew colloquially. Lashon Hakodesh, the holy tongue, was used only for prayer and…
Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the Father of Modern Hebrew
The official language of Israel is Hebrew, but until the end of the 19th century, almost no one spoke Hebrew colloquially. Lashon Hakodesh, the holy tongue, was used only for prayer and…
The Hebrew Vowels
A E I O U and sometimes Y...To an English speaker, vowels are letters and are no different in form from consonants. In Hebrew, however, the vowels, which specify the sounds of the…
Winter 2024 Hebrew Reading Classes on Zoom
Hebrew Crash Courses on ZoomJoin NJOP for four great Hebrew classes on Zoom! UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("row-unique-0"));