Emor 5775-2015
“Distractions, Distractions!” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s Torah portion, parashat Emor, opens with an extensive series of laws regarding the conduct of the Kohanim, the…
Pekudei,Weekly Message,Vayakhel
Vayakhel-Pekudei 5780-2020
“Judaism Sanctifies Time, Not Space” (Updated and revised from Vayakhel-Pekudei 5761-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald On this coming Shabbat, two Torah portions are read,…
The Children of the Children of Israel
April 2nd, the birthday of the famed Danish author of children’s books, Hans Christian Andersen, who was born on that date in 1805, is celebrated as International Children’s Book Day. The…
Getting The Message
In this era of texting and tweeting, remember that how a message is given is often as important as the message itself.
Honoring Those Who Have Passed
Sometimes the world seems a bit like alphabet soup. There are organizations that function by acronym alone (such as NJOP -- the National Jewish Outreach Program, not to be confused with…
Honoring Those Who Have Passed
Sometimes the world seems a bit like alphabet soup. There are the ever increasing abbreviations that are being made popular via texting (e.g. “ttyl”-talk to you later, and “imho”-in my…