The Tale of Tel Aviv
In honor or Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, Jewish Treats presents a very brief history of a very well-known city: Tel Aviv. Known as the first all-Jewish city of modern times,…
Games in Tel Aviv
The Paralympic Games, which provide a competitive opportunity for people with disabilities, receive far less attention that the Olympic Games themselves, although the stories of these…
For Dew and Rain
As indicated by Jewish prayer, the rainy season in the land of Israel begins just after the holiday of Sukkot and ends at the start of Passover. During this time, there are two special…
For Dew and Rain
As indicated by Jewish prayer, the rainy season in the land of Israel begins just after the holiday of Sukkot and ends at the start of Passover. During this time, there are two special…
Passover Resources,Passover,Judaism,LiteracyResources,Literacy,Judaism,Passover
Observance and Prayer Outline
Passover Observanceand Prayer Outline The Seder night, when family and friends gather together to commemorate our redemption…
A Day for Musicians
Today, Jewish Treats honors two musicians who were born on January 6: Maurice Abravanel and Menahem Avidom. Maurice Abravanel (1903-1993), who was the descendant of Don Isaac Abravanel…
Toledot 5762-2001
"The Deception of Isaac" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, parashat Toledot, we encounter in Genesis 27 the well known story of Isaac's attempt to bless Esau.…
It’s Good For You
Remember to begin reciting v’tein tal u’matar, the special insertion in the Amidah associated with a person’s overall success, beginning this Saturday night.
Tetzaveh 5768-2008
"Clothes Make the Person" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week's parasha, parashat Tetzaveh, we read about the priestly vestments--the clothes that the kohanim wore when they served…
The Pope and the Jewish Prayer for Rain
Did you know that several centuries ago, a Pope impacted Jewish law? Most Jewish events of note are based on the Jewish calendar. That’s why it’s surprising to learn that the date when…