Taking a Stand in North Carolina
In honor of North Carolina’s ratification of the United States Constitution on November 21, 1789, making it the 12th state of the Union, today’s Jewish Treat presents Jacob Henry, a proud…
Taking Care
Eating a healthy and well balanced diet is part of the mitzvah of taking care of one's body.
“Taking a Bullet”
Convene a discussion concerning the topic for whom you would “take a bullet?” For whom or for what values would you be willing to sacrifice?
Taking What You Are Taught
Teach the children in your life to value their education.
Taking Care
When you prepare for Shabbat, double check that your stove and lights are properly set.
Taking Action
Translate your respect for a leader into physical action (join a campaign, send a letter).
Taking Stock
Use these days of Aseret Yemei Teshuva, the Ten days of Repentance, to take stock of, and address your past actions.
Shabbat for the Taking
Whether a relaxing nap in a properly prepared hammock, an invigorating discussion, or setting aside time to read an intriguing book, learn how to transform Friday night and Saturday into…
Taking Responsibility
Take a moment to add a prayer on behalf of the Israeli soldiers who are in harm's way. We can each make a huge difference.
We’re Not Taking Care of Business
On Shabbat, the Jewish people are commanded: “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is Shabbat for the Lord your God; you shall not do any work” (Exodus…