Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Wednesday night, when Rosh Hashana begins, the world will be 5778 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one…
Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Sunday night, when Rosh Hashana begins, the world will be 5776 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one say…
Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Wednesday night, when Rosh Hashana begins, the world will be 5774 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one…
The Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Monday, Rosh Hashana, the world will be 5773 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one say that the world is…
The Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Saturday, Rosh Hashana, the world will be 5770 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one say that the world…
Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Sunday night, when Rosh Hashana begins, the world will be 5783 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one say…
Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Friday night, when Rosh Hashana begins, the world will be 5784 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one say…
At The End Of The World
While Judaism is, for the most part, focused on the here and now (with a solid amount of regard for the past), it does have its own eschatology. Eschatology is theology concerning what…
The World To Come
This world is like the eve of Shabbat, and Olam Habah (the World to Come) is like Shabbat. He who prepares on the eve of Shabbat will have food to eat on Shabbat (Avodah Zara 3a) Olam…
The World To Come
“This world is like the eve of Shabbat, and Olam Habah (the World to Come) is like Shabbat. He who prepares on the eve of Shabbat will have food to eat on Shabbat.” (Avodah Zara 3a). Olam…