Lessons of History
Sadly, there have been many pogroms against Jews and the Jewish community throughout the generations. It is important that we learn the lessons of history and remain vigilant.
Life Lessons
Learn life lessons from everything around you and apply their pearls of wisdom into everyday life.
Learn the Lessons of History
To better appreciate the trials and tribulations and its aftermath, ask a Holocaust survivor for their impressions of the need for, and whether to accept, German War reparations.
Learn Life Lessons from All Sources
There is much positive knowledge in the world. Absorb all that you can.
Lessons of History
Learn about the terrible challenges faced by maranos/annusim such as Dr. Roderigo Lopez, during the Middle Ages and be thankful that we are free to practice Judaism as we please.
Learn Life’s Lessons From All Sources
There is much positive knowledge in the world. Absorb all that you can.