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Learning the Truth of Your Heritage at Age 59: The Amazing Story of Madeleine Albright

Madeleine Albright broke a glass ceiling when she became the first woman U.S. Secretary of State on January 23, 1997. A few weeks later, at age 59, Madeleine learned that her parents,…

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Learning the Truth of Your Heritage at Age 59: The Amazing Story of Madeleine Albright

Madeleine Albright broke a glass ceiling when she became the first woman U.S. Secretary of State on January 23, 1997. A few weeks later, at age 59, Madeleine learned that her parents,…

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Learning the Truth of Your Heritage at Age 59-The Amazing Story of Madeleine Albright

Madeleine Albright broke a glass ceiling when she became the first woman U.S. Secretary of State, on January 23, 1997. A few weeks later, at age 59, Madeleine learned that her parents,…

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Learning Kindness

Today is marked on the calendar as World Kindness Day, a fact that Jewish Treats celebrates annually because kindness, known in Hebrew as chesed, is one of the foundations of Jewish…

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Learning From Mistakes

One of the takeaway messages of the tragic actions taken by the Jewish people while engaging in the sin of the Golden Calf is to not act abruptly without first considering the weighty…

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Learning From Others

Listen closely to another person’s advice since it’s quite possible that they are sharing their wisdom and thereby providing you with a valuable life lesson. In parashat Miketz, this…

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Learning From Prior Mistakes

Study the mistakes made by our ancestors to gain an appreciation of the long-term implications of how actions can directly impact upon the destiny of the Jewish people as a whole.

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Learning From Prior Mistakes

Learn from the mistakes of our ancestors to gain an appreciation of the long-term implications of how our actions can impact directly upon the destiny of the Jewish people as a whole.

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