The Result of This Union
There are many famous narratives (such as the story of Creation, the great Flood, the histories of the Patriachs, etc.) in the book of Genesis. There are, however, an equal number of…
Judaism,Articles,Purim Origins and Customs,PurimJudaism,Purim,Literacy
Hanging Haman: The Commandment to Wipe Out Amalek
Hanging Haman:The Commandment to Wipe Out Amalek “The army of Amalek swooped down from behind them, attacking the old…
Vayeishev 5763-2002
"Judah Emerges as the Leader of Israel" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week's parasha, Vayeishev, presents the opening chapter of one of the great human sagas--the story of Joseph and…
B’shalach 5776-2016
“The Small ‘Stuff’ is not Always Small” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat B’shalach, features the majestic story of the People of Israel crossing the Red Sea, and…
Vayeishev 5782-2021
“Judah Emerges as the Leader of Israel” (Updated and revised from Vayeishev 5763-2002) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, Vayeishev, represents the opening chapter of one…